Diamond Report
Investment plan
Persuade investors of the attractive business opportunity
A template with key focus on custom overviews to prove to the investor that your business will generate and maintain an above-average return on the funds invested in the business.
Save time with calculations and focus on the customer value proposition, the business scalability, the strategic capabilities, the competitive advantage and its sustainability.
Business plan
Simple business plan template for new entrepreneurs
Writing a business plan can seem like a big task, especially if you’re starting a business for the first time and don’t have a financial background.
With Diamond and Template Management Module you can create a business plan that lenders and investors expect nowadays.
Monthly budget report
Budgeting template to track monthly income and expenses
Save time by creating a monthly budget report and benefit your business by updating the budget monthly, using your financial statements inside Diamond Software.
Build new templates
Create a new report template for your own practice
Create a new report template from an existing one or build from scratch.
Show/hide the report rows or change the positions. Highlight the negative numbers. Add blanks before or after each report row (or a duplicate of it). Display report rows as sub-branches. Adjust the fonts.
Customize report layouts
Customize the branches inside the report templates.
Create any desired document data combination. Diamond provides users with the ability to create their own customized reports with any desired document data combination included, with custom format and layout. For the convenience, custom report can be created on the basis of an already existing report. Custom report is saved as separate file and doesn’t replace the original one.
Share the report templates
Easily import or export the report templates
The structure of template reports is only visible within one computer or user profile who has compiled the report structure. Collaborate by sharing the structure of the templates by exporting or importing the reports.
Download the 90 days free trial version and start today